Maximize your
sales potential
with Quandatum

Quandatum simplifies complexity,
allowing you to focus on what you do best
—growing your business.

What do we deliver?

Which works for you?

Why us?

Choose the option that makes the most sense for your business.

Without Quandatum
With Quandatum
Lead Generation Efficiency
Inconsistent, manual research
Automated, targeted leads
Sales Coordination
Fragmented sales process
Integrated, efficient workflows
Customer Engagement
Generic, limited outreach
Personalized, multi-channel outreach
Cost Optimization
Higher costs for in-house teams
Up to 70% cost savings
Hard to scale quickly
Scalable services as you grow
Reporting and Analytics
Manual, less data-driven
Real-time insights
Meeting Setup
Time-consuming manual follow-ups
Automated scheduling
Technical Support
Limited, risk of downtime
24/7 expert support

How we work?

Understanding Your Business

We start by getting to know you. Our primary focus is on understanding the unique needs of your business.

Through a series of thoughtful questions, we work together to define your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and buyer personas.

The strategic framework we build together ensures that all our marketing and sales processes align seamlessly with your goals.

Target Market Identification

Identifying and entering the right markets is crucial to your success.

We conduct thorough market research and transform the data into actionable strategies.

We analyze global trade data and present it in a way that’s clear and meaningful to you. With interactive reports, you won’t get lost in the details.

Together, we’ll pinpoint the target markets that best align with your growth objectives.

Customer Discovery

We take a meticulous approach to pre-analysis, search, and qualification to connect you with the right potential customers.

Every step is designed to prioritize high-potential leads.

By thoroughly analyzing your ICP and identifying your Total Addressable Market (TAM), we zero in on potential companies and key decision-makers.

We then segment these prospects and gather detailed information to ensure that every message is personal and impactful.

Omni-Channel Engagement

Reaching customers effectively requires a multi-channel approach.

We guide you in utilizing these channels efficiently, ensuring that your messages are tailored and targeted.

We craft a marketing strategy grounded in your ICP and research data.

Our team handles all technical preparations to ensure your emails are delivered and seen.

We continually monitor campaign metrics and adjust strategies to keep up with changing circumstances.

Meeting Coordination

Organizing meetings efficiently ensures you connect with potential customers at the right time.

We meticulously plan every step to facilitate meaningful face-to-face interactions.

We follow up with prospects who show interest and schedule meetings at times that are convenient for you.

To ensure no opportunities are missed, we send out timely reminders and reschedule any missed appointments.

Real-Time Insights

We offer an interactive reporting solution that gives you full visibility into all our business processes in real time.

You can monitor metrics such as emails sent, LinkedIn messages delivered, response rates, and read statistics.

You’ll also be able to track the status of every conversation and meeting with potential customers.

If a meeting has occurred, you can access detailed notes and transcripts.

All this information is readily available on your phone or computer, whenever you need it.

Our Difference

We Stay Persistent.

While many sales representatives stop following up after the first few contacts, Quandatum maximizes sales opportunities by maintaining continuous communication through the fifth follow-up message and beyond.

Pushing the Limits.

Unlike an average sales expert who can reach about 100 people per month, our automated processes allow us to connect with over 1,000 targeted potential customers monthly.

Thanks to our automatic follow-up systems, we ensure excellence at every step—from engagement with prospects, to building meaningful connections, and ultimately securing solid sales.

We Personalize.

We don't send the same message to everyone. We send personalized messages tailored specifically to each potential customer.

Campaign planning

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Solution Partners

Neden biz?

İşletmeniz için en mantıklı olan seçeneği belirleyin ve rekabet avantajı elde edin.

Özellik Quandatum olmadan Quandatum ile
Potansiyel Müşteri Oluşturma Verimliliği Tutarsız, manuel araştırma Otomatikleştirilmiş, hedeflenmiş potansiyel müşteri
Satış Koordinasyonu Parçalı satış süreci Entegre, verimli iş akışları
Müşteri İletişimi Genel, sınırlı etkileşim Kişiselleştirilmiş, çok kanallı etkileşim
Maliyet Optimizasyonu İç kaynaklar için daha yüksek maliyetler %70'e varan maliyet tasarrufu
Ölçeklenebilirlik Hızlı ölçeklenmesi zor Büyüdükçe ölçeklenebilen hizmetler
Raporlama ve Analitik Manuel, daha az veriye dayalı Gerçek zamanlı içgörüler
Toplantı Ayarlama Zaman alan manuel takipler Otomatik planlama

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